Art / arts / digital arts / Fine art and design / middle east / Podcasts / resonance104.4fm / resonancefm / Schedule / women

Six Pillars Broadcast – Artist Manal Aldowayan

As a female artist from Saudi Arabia, Manal AlDowayan’s has a particular resonance; themes of active forgetting, archives, and collective memory, with a large focus on the state of Saudi women and their representation.

From photography to film to sculpture Aldowayan is always exploring new forms and has shown a significant body of work internationally, while also featuring in some major collections. Aldowayan is currently completing her Masters in Public Spheres at the Royal College of Art, London.

AlDowayan visits the studio to discuss her multi-media, and internationally acclaimed work as well as common tropes around being seen as Saudi Arabian, a woman and a Middle Easterner.



On air, on digital radio and online.

– Wednesdays, 9 – 9.30pm

– Mondays (REPEAT), 5 – 5.30pm

Listen live online HERE
